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Further reading on the subject of making money from Home/in spare time

Thought the one page was getting a bit too long to be user friendly so I'd create this one as a place to list reading related  to the topic of Make Money from home/in Spare time.

Recent editions of That's Life! and   Take 5 have included articles on:

1) Someone who made her fortune selling linen on a party plan
2) A lady who discovered Mystery Shopping can sometimes be scam for laundering money or cashing fraudulent travellers cheques
3) In the latest issue I think of That's Life (I shall check at home and update later) there was an article about a lady specialising in tarot readings who has created a website which now earns $300 a day through advertising on the site. A good source of passive income!

Where there is a will there is a way... but sometimes we have to consider whether the way is helping with our quality of life or hindering it.