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Friday, July 9, 2010

Read the fine print! (Don't spend more than you make online).

Hi my faithful followers and occasional blog browsers!

I am still searching for oppportunities to earn some cash online with a cup of tea in hand.
To this end I have been checking out Snap Dollars which is similar to online directory sites. The good news is it is legitimate in that they do not charge you and fee and do pay out at a reasonable level -$30.
I was looking at one of their offers- they pay $5 if you sign up for Vista Print's 250 free business cards deal. Sounds good...until I checked Vista Print's postage on this freebie- the lowest is $11.99! So if I actually WANTED business cards this would a good deal- cards and postage for $6.99 when the Snap Dollars payment is taken into account. I do not however want this product. So to gain $5 from Snap Dollars I'd be spending almost $7.

There are other good deals on this site- if you are interested in joining survey sites like Lightspeed research then Snap Dollars will give you a small incentive payment. If you like online gambling they will pay you $50 each for signing up with a new account to 3 different Bingo web clubs. You do need to deposit $20 for each one though and payment is via credit card. I have avoided these as I worry about my credit card security and the risk of getting addicted to gambling. If you are over 18 and are looking for online gambling you may as well get a $50 incentive for it though.

There seem to be quite a few cash bonus for signing up companies around at the moment. Snap Dollars offers a $5 sign up bonus, and pays 1c per email viewed. Another I have been considering is Cash Emails which is offering a $25 sign up bonus. Shall let you all know how I go.

My personal financial goal is $400 for this month in mad money and so far I am up to about $70 in earnings on surveys, Rewards Central and Paid Survey Bank. Hey, only $330 to go!

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