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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Warning there seems to be something fishy about this!

Several of us discussing making money on line in the Simple Savings forum have notices that there are many survey directory/paid email style clubs popping up offering a $25 sign up bonus. These include Grocery Clicks, Cash emails Club, Paidsurvey bank and others. What several of us have found is that if you sign up for one and recieve the bonus, when you sign up for another you do NOT seem to get the bonus. For example I signed up for Paid Survey bank, got my bonus and began earning points. This company sent me and email for Cash emails club, also offering a bonus. So I signed up there too. Suddenly my clicks for Paid survey Bank were not being listed in my earnings. On Cash emails club I was earning my clicks for emails, but my bonus was listed as Approved $0. When I added the relevant email addresses to my address book, I noticed that they all are linked to Megan at Fat Cat Rewards. I ahve repeatedlt emailed her about the problems with both clubs yet received no reply as of yet. The same thing has happened for some other members of Simple Savings. So beware- they may be wasting your time. I'd love to hear in your comments about any related experiences.


  1. Did you get paid from ?
    I had the same issue of 0$ for the 25$ startup bonus, but today they corrected it.
    Wondring if anyone got paid from this site, if so please send me a mail at bcscnt{at}

  2. This is the first month I have earn't more than $50. I have also signed up for all related sites but never had a problem with the bonus money. I have reached the cash out figuire on all for clubs so am now eagerly awaiting the 10th to see if they do infact pay out. Will post my findings then

  3. Adelaidemum, I have a small question related to referrals of cashemailsclub.
    They say you will get the $15 referral reward once your referral reaches $40 or above, but still I have not received a single referral credit (still status pending) after referrals earned more than $40
    Do they pay out when your balance is above $50 at the 1st of the month or should it be $50 on or before the 10th of the month? (both mentioned in their site!)

  4. don't know but would like to know. i would also like to know do you have to click a "pay me now" button because there is nothing like that on the site.

  5. what do you mean by "This is the first month I have earn't more than $50" do the expire after 1 month?

  6. log6, I suggest it would help if you read the terms & conditions of the site, which has answers to your questions.

    I am trying to find a single person who got paid from

  7. Ok guys, it is now the 9th and after checking all for of these related sites since the first of the month, (Dalilyemaildollars, Surveysformoms, Groceryclicks & Paidsurveybank.) I think I finally might have had a little progress. My Account balance on all is now showing 0.00, Rewards Approved is still showing the last total amount I had collected so it looks like that the money is now perhaps in transit to my PayPal. I really hope so, after almost 3 monts between the 4 I should technically get over $200, with a baby due in 5 days this will really come in handy.
    As for the q's posted above guys, I'm not really sure, I haven't wanted to refer anyone as yet in case it is all just a big scam....
    Now CashEmailDollars.....I just realised I had signed up for this one but had not been receiving emails...I had not saved it to my contacts perhaps that's the reason....only $26.50 in that one, not enough to have "paid out". Hopefully will post again in a few days with the good news of the money arriving!!

  8. Wow, I really should proof ready my posts before I submit them, Sorry about the spelling and gramatical errors!!

  9. Adelaidemum - my balance went to zero too so fingers crossed something will pop up in PayPal very soon!

    Regarding the original post. I received the $25 bonus for all of the sites - maybe it's because I typed each URL directly, then signed up, rather than using a link? Also, you have to be careful to check the box that says you want the $25.

  10. Hi all!
    Please post it here if any of you got a credit in your paypal account from any of these below sites.

    Allo of the above sites have similar pattern.
    Thank you,

  11. i would love to know to becuase i have only signed up to 1 so the more the better!

  12. Hi,
    Did you all notice any issues with any of your accounts?
    All my accounts have gone zero. Earnings are not there. No credit in paypal also!!!
    Any ideas?

  13. mine osay this Your Account Balance is: $0.95 Rewards Approved: $39.75! don't know whats going on! noticed it yesterday!

  14. Paypal payments can take a couple of days folks, I'm a member at 4 of these sites now and the same has happened for me, my balances have gone to $0.00 on the 9th.

    In some cases paypal payments take a week or so to happen so lets not boycott them just yet... but if they're not paying, I won't be wasting more time on them.

  15. Yes, but if they require you to make at least $50 before you are paid and some only had $20-49, then why would it go back to $0?

  16. Oh, and this is a rather good looking blog... definitely bookmarking this.

    and again these sites all seem to have popped up recently so I doub't they have paid anyone yet... we may well be the first group to get paid, or... the first group to realise they don't pay haha

  17. Yeah the requirements for payment seem a little weird. I only had $29 with Groceryclicks but it has reset to $0.00. Though these sites all seem to run the same code, so maybe they were thrown up quickly... not a good look.

    I think these sites might be a little too good to be true. About 3 minutes of clicking links per day for $250 or so a month?

    For now I'm sticking with them, but if I don't get paid I won't be shocked.

  18. Well Luke, did you notice that non of these sites sent any mails offering any payemnts today?
    I noticed that out of the below sites, they have started to promote to lure in new accounts.
    Has anyone received a "new paid email" today?
    This didnt happen last month on 9th & 10th, so I do smell a nice scam!!!
    There are websites we can report such scams & shut these sites down & if possible procecute the site owner!!!

    If anyone finds any sites fitting the same description, please add it here to warn others!

  19. I got one email from Cashoffersclub to get a $100 free bet on Sportingbet.

    No other paid emails though. Will be very interesting to see if any payment comes in or not.

    Paypal should be instant, but remember it's only 2am on the 10th in USA at the moment (where these sites are baseD).

  20. I think it's worth waiting a week before calling it a scam. A lot of sites like this are known for taking upto 2 months to actually pay.

    But it could well be a scam and theres definitely a bad odour surrounding these sites at the moment.

    Like I said, sometimes it's a little too good to be true.

  21. These are the points that seem odd to me

    1.All the accounts having less than the required amount have been made to zero.
    2.Not a single known person has been paid or a mail has been replied by any of these sites.
    3.After 9/9/2010 not a single PAID email sent from a single site. (other than “Claim your $100 Free Bet from Sportingbet” non payment mail)
    4.No other way or earning money other than to click the mails they send (no reward given for clicking offers available in the site)
    5.Site owner has been concealed (WHOISGURARD)
    6.No phone contact has been offered

    Despite the above we will see for one week, then do the best to bring the site owner/s to justice.

  22. Further a reputed company has been used to forward all the mails to clients from the above sites.

    We should be able to trace who used the services from them!

  23. I'm with you guys... I was looking forward to receiving my payments from and
    But all my accounts set back to 0:00 on The 8th Theres nothing in my paypal account as yet and i dont think there will be
    I had over 240.00 in these accounts
    I notice even my paypal link on all 5 of the sites is missing

  24. and if it is a scam i better take down my recommendations for these Sites... Ive refered quite a few people, so not happy if this is a scam

  25. are the any site like this that are not scames?

  26. "Upon remittance of the Paypal payment to you, the balance of your Account in respect of which it has been issued will be reduced to zero regardless of whether or not the payment is safely received by you. In the event that a Paypal payment is not claimed or otherwise not received by you, the missing payment must be reported to Us no later than 30 days from the date of issue. Replacement payments cannot be issued after this period. Neither We, Partner Services, nor Participating Retailers accept any liability in respect of lost or stolen Paypal payments or the good faith return to zero of Account balances, in respect of which Paypal payments have not been safely received by you."

  27. bobman84, read my post dated 11th & see if the they have followed the terms they have stated. Do they expect each and every one of us to report missing payment? (I didnt find a single person who has been paid todate)
    To receive a payment (which is instant in paypal) they should send it out in the first place.
    I do think we should report these sites to every site which could take some action against such scams!

  28. My account balance's are now back Still no paypal payment for the month??
    1 of my accounts has $51.90 and should have gone into my Paypal account on the 10th? I think there just Buying time

  29. I agree, BCS. I'm with you guys and have not received any payment here yet either.

    I agree about reporting these sites as it's ridiculous.

    By the way, I got a Coles Survey offer but nothing else. I also emailed them asking what is going on with Payments.

  30. 2 of mine (cashemailsclub, newoffers) are both over $50, still no response to any emails and nothing in my paypal account.
    does anyone think we are going to get our money? it seems like an awful lot of money (when you add up the amount of people who havent been paid) there is no way they would part with $50-$100 per person each month???

  31. just recived this from cashemailclub:

    Your Member Earnings

    Dear Member,

    Please be advised that August member payments have been delayed.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Warm Regards,

    CashEmailsClub Support Team

    so now we have a name too

  32. also got this that has a name You have a new mini survey to complete. Please respond now:

    Survey Question: Is your Credit Card Debt giving you a Headache?

    Answer: YES or NO

    Click Here for more Information

    Warm Regards,

    CashEmailsClub Support Team

    must be giving out name now!

  33. wonder if we will get money? or is this just a way to get trick us into the scam more and more?

  34. account has now gone to normal::Your Account Balance is: $39.75 Rewards Approved: $39.75!

  35. its been giving out the name for ages (newoffersclub emails only)
    im sceptical that we will receive anything, its another bid to buy time (after all, havent told us WHEN we will expect payment, just stated a delay).

  36. replyed to the email asking when but i bet i get no answer as normal!

  37. Definatley not expecting anything from these sites now...all too suss...just as a side note though my account balances havn't gone back up yet...

  38. mine have gone up but i didn't have $50 yet.

  39. Interesting that they sent an e-mail advising delayed payments. They also state that payments are only cleared when other parties pay.

    Keep up the posts here!

  40. bobman84 - you got a message saying they pay when other parties do?? please share! i didnt receive such a message, but i did receive one from each site stating 'payment has been delayed, apologies bla bla etc. etc.' (i received the same email as of Log6's message @ 13/09 3.42pm)

  41. Anita, that other part was just referring to this "The Rewards Program involves the payment of commission to Us by Participating Retailers in respect of your Approved Transactions for which we credit you with Rewards." in the Terms. Seems like they hide behind the "Participating Retailers" bit when it comes time to pay us.

  42. Well the emails are comming in again... still no money from them and no explaining when we will be paid... HOW RUDE!! I'm not clicking anything until they pay up

  43. Clicked on 3 links to see what would happen and my account balance went up from 49.90 to 49.95. Lol!

  44. Anyone in Sydney want to call or pay them a visit?

    Cash Emails Club / New Offers CLub
    Phone Number: 6129400000
    Mailing Address: Suite 410/410 Elizabeth Street Surrey Hills NSW 2010

  45. Hi bobman84,
    From where did you get this contact number and the address? is it from a reliable source?
    I am in sydney & can check it out if its reliable. (bit far for me, but can try)

  46. Hi every 1,
    I also have accounts with 6 of these sites.
    my balance is over $50 and the account says its approved. I also have some with a new balance of around 95c.
    I have also been sent a mail saying payment has been delayed.
    I did some looking into the sites and it looks like they are all owned by the same base person who is in america. I dont remember where I found his name but it was just by searching the same way as I found this page.
    My accounts page has gone on all the sites but it does have up the top the amount now in since the account was set to approved for the over $50 and as it was so close I did refer 2 other people and now that is there as referals pending.
    These people are now aware and if I am not paid they will delete the pages.
    I wish every 1 luck in getting their money

  47. They have started to send us 5 cent credit links.... compared to the averaged 90 cent mails sent till 9th sep

    Any ideas as to what we can do get our money?

  48. What ever I post does not appear here now. I posted 3/4 posts last few days...

  49. Did you all notice that even if we create a new account in one the above sites, the earning page does not appear!!!

    That means there is somethig seriously wrong with all of the above sites!!!

  50. read below blog. when I tried to put that content here, it didnt allow me!

  51. try looking at urldogg.comsurveybank.
    They say the site only makes $10.26 daily and is located in San Diego, CA, United States.
    It also has
    Isnt looking good people

  52. There is another blog here on this site recomending and I tried to post a comment on there to say that people arnt getting paid and it wouldnt let me post on there.
    Not a good "Recession Lesson" at all. Very strange they wont let any 1 post a comment on there.

  53. Can all of us stop clicking links they send, unless its "paid to click" link.
    So they cant earn more money if they dont pay us!

  54. Agree with Madura. I can't see any money coming towards us, so let's starve them, the thieving scum.

  55. agree Madura and Bobman84. im not clicking on anything. what a waste of time i have spent. we wont be seeing a cent.

  56. Hey..
    i didnt recived any money aswell..
    I guess they are just all scams..

    If you guys would like to get money, I know this website where they actually pay u and i have been paid through tthat website. You just have to do the surveys and u ll be paid. I can assure you becoz i have been paid in paypal.

    If you guys would like to read it, just send me your email id and i will surelly reply you back. or here is my id. you can send me an email on this id.

    but it doesnot relate anything to these website (cashemailsclub... etc).
    take care

  57. I just googled Groeryclicks and am please to say that this blog is one of the top listings, I hope people read it first before signing up...What I also saw of interest was that the Kerri Anne show website is promoting GroceryClicks!! I have emailed them telling them of our findings and asking that perhaps with their "celebrity power" they may be able to find something out for us and expose those responsible if it is (which i am sure it is) a scam

  58. Hi Adelaidemum - 12+ years ago the Bert Newton Show promoted a company selling Sheridan towels and sheets. i phoned them and placed an order, as i didnt have a credit card at the time, i sent off a money order. Of course it was a scam, and i never saw my sheets, towels - or my money. Even the shows get scammed too. I hope that KerriAnne responds to you! :)

  59. I have created a Blog and will be warning and aplogising to all my friends who have signed up

  60. Good work brindle0812,
    I have informed McAfee SiteAdvisor GM of above sites. They replied to have a look at these sites and if required to flag these as scams in siteadvisor to warn new people

  61. Can all others also spend few mins of their time and create blogs inserting all the sites related?
    It would help to bring them down!

  62. Can everyone complain to that their services are used by scammers to earn money as this is the service all these websites use to send mails to us!
    You can see the details at this URL

  63. They have sent a mail to all members of all sites indicating that they have made ADJUSTMENTS to our accounts (deducting up to $19 from some accounts)
    How can they justify doing such deductions?
    At the current rate of getting 5cents credited per day (even that I have stopped clicking now) it would take 300 days to get $15!!!!!
    So most of our accounts will be paid out when we reach $50 near the end of 2011 or for some in 2012!!!
    The contact information including phone numbers & address of the site owner is fake which still can not be justified if their legimate!!!

  64. Due to member complaining to various authorities including the given above (, McAfee ….etc) and since members have stopped clicking on HOAX mails, maybe the scammers income got reduced? :D
    So people shall we continue to stop clicking their mails till some of us ACTUALLY get paid and they explain the RIDUCULUS deductions they made from our accounts?

  65. I dont know what to believe. My accounts have has been reduced by $12.05, $9.30, $13.03, $12.15 and the last one that had $60 balance now has $30.05 from friend referrals????????


  66. I had unsubscribed so did not receive the email stating payments had been reduced.

  67. I have 1 left that is still above $50 lets see if it is paid or not. I am not clicking any thing untill I find out. My other ones will take forever to get back to above $50.
    This is one way for them to not have to pay any money out.
    We did what was asked so maybe as its nothing to do with our end we should all be paid out the amounts that are still left in the accounts that were over $50. They will need to do some thing to pay people or the comments will keep coming and no 1 will sign up.
    Also these emails are 1 way to get every 1 clicking again, hoping to get their dollars back up to be paid out.

  68. Thanks Wendy for sharing that vital information. Please keep us updated as to what happens with that account you have with a balance over $50

    There are so many points indicating that these people are a hoax in the above posts.

    Has anyone noticed that even if U click a single link, even that 5c is not getting up dated?

    Of course the site owners can come here pretending to be like us, and say they got paid to fool us back to clicking their mails!!! so be careful!

  69. I have 1 account that still has $50 in it (after adjustment - was $59). Very doubtful that anything will appear in my Pay Pal account though. My other account went from $49 to $43.

  70. Date flag columnWhen an icon appears next to one of your transactions, it means there is more information available or a note attached. Move your cursor over the icon to learn more about the transaction.
    When an icon appears next to one of your transactions, it means there is more information available or a note attached. Move your cursor over the icon to learn more about the transaction.
    Type Name/Email Payment status Details Order status/Actions Gross
    Select record 0 11 Oct 2010 Transaction NoteYou have a payment from Cash Emails Club

    * You have a payment from Cash Emails Club

    Payment From Ashopfor LLC Completed Details Payment From Ashopfor LLC 7TE73309WK078842S $50.98 AUD

  71. wow lucky you. Was it actually in your paypal account? I have over $50 in my account and it says that the money is approved and my balance is now 10cents but no money in my paypal account
    Basicly no change as of yet.
    There is another site that a person said that the money was in their paypal account but when they went to move it from pay pal into their bank it wouldnt let them, have you tried to withdraw it bobman84?

  72. Yeah, I accused them of being part of the scam, but then got the e-mail in my Hotmail. Logged into Paypal and that amount was there. I'm still sceptical, but I did withdraw the amount. Now the 1-2 day wait begins if it will go into my bank account without fuss. As soon as it does, I'll post here. I am still in deep shock that something happened, lol!

  73. to good bobman84, Im very impressed for you and wish you all the best in getting it into your account.

  74. Just this week I have received to $50 payments in my paypal, I have just tried to withdraw to my bank so lets see if it actually clears.....

  75. Still waiting for it to clear in my bank. Good to see there are others who have received it in their Pay Pal accounts.

  76. OMG - I just received an email from Paypal stating that I have received $52.00 from cashemailsclub.

    Ashopfor LLC sent you $52.02 AUD Transaction ID:xxxxxxxx

    Hello brian wxxxxxx,
    Just thought you'd like to know Ashopfor LLC sent you $52.02 AUD.
    Note from Ashopfor LLC:
    You have a payment from Cash Emails Club
    [Payment Month: 2010 Sep] Thanks for using!

    I still don't understand if they are legitimate and just paying the complainers to keep the scam rolling or if they are legitimate. My many emails still have gone unanswered.

  77. Payment just cleared into my bank account. Case closed here.

    Still sending 5-10 cent emails so getting another $50 will take forever. I am up to $44 on my other account, so will let that one get to $50 and close both accounts.

  78. thats great every 1, I got 1 to. hahaha paypal is going to be a little busy for a while if this continues. I have 1 that will be over $50 in a couple of clicks, if i check the rest of my emails.... not to sure about after the $50 at the moment.
    The rest will be years but i think ill work on them until they get to $50. we will see how that works
    Now i suppose we wait to see if a payment goes through

  79. i stopped for a while but just went back to click old links i didn't click!! Wish it would go over the 5 cents per day thing thought!!

    Anyone used the paid to sign up section a got paid?

  80. This is the ultimate online scam and currently being investigated by ASIC and FIDO... expect a future ACA or TT story...

    The following sites...

    Hook you into signing up with their $25 bonus and then pummel you with daily emails promising 20c, 30c, 50c click bonuses... and state you will receive the funds once it has reached over $50...

    After a few weeks/months when your totals go over or come close to the $50... they simply 'adjust' your totals way down below what they were... and the once 20c/30c/50c click bonuses become 2c/3c/5c and so the scam continues.

    Members are never paid what is owed and the balances continue to be adjusted... all the while the company continues to net thousands of Dollars daily from the member's clicks to the participating companies.

    Whats more you will see the odd 'member' state on these types of blogs they have received funds and some even show the paypal statement.

    These are fakers from the company simply view their blog profiles to see they'll vanish... or alternatively call the phone number (from the payee) listed on the paypal invoice to see it's a fake number...

    It is also impossible to receive any feedback from the many admin/contact emails and forms provided by the company as they are embedded 'no-reply' email addresses and contact forms!

    I'd advise all those scammed to...

    >take snaps of their account balances when over/near the $50 and then once they have been 'adjusted'
    >unsubscribe immediately
    >email all the companies that are paying these scammers via their websites
    >report to the Aus internet watch-dogs and ASIC via their websites!

    This is Australia we are not schmucks and will not stand for this!

  81. oz_saffa...
    I do not work for the sites, like you I am a customer. Both my wife and I received payment ONLY AFTER I left complaints on different forums. I believe this company IS a SCAM as they refuse to answer emails and like everyone has said, they reduced payment amounts below the cash out threshold. My wife and I went click for click, day by day etc... and we had different amounts debited, when the amounts should have been the same.

    I believe that I only received payment in their hope that I would post an update everywhere to say they are legitimate.

  82. Out off all the posts here , how many have been paid , and actually recieved their payment, as I have only noticed one or two not very many others have been paid at all. Me I personaly don't think I will be paid at all, as there has been no replies to any of the emails that I have sent .

  83. Just to clarify something that some dont know , when you recieve the emails do a check on the IP number Google it and see where it leads to so far the is
    From Sydney =
    the others

    seem to come from Newcastle area NSW from what I have found.

  84. Well done oz_saffa, you have told the truth about these companies. Hope they get legally penalised for wasting our time while and earning a lot by fooling us.
    I have referred these sites to many people. NOT A SINGLE ONE GOT PAID!
    Every single account had their balances adjusted in an ill-logical way.
    Not a single mail had been responded by them
    Their contact phone numbers are hoax.
    If any person still is still foolish enough to waste their time and make the these companies rich, please do so, but don’t mislead others in to doing it!

  85. Well TEXAN, last time I checked (few weeks back) they were using the service of to send mails to us. I have complained to for supporting scammers and they have acknowledged to check in to it!
    Read my above post requesting everyone to complain to

  86. I have found out a little more from the IP number as per below

    Surrey Hills in Sydney NSW 2020
    address is 410/410 Elizabeth Street.

    Apparently the phone number is the same with all the paid emails being 61294000000
    email addres

    1. =
    IP address area is in the Sydney not sure exact location

    adress is the same as above location same phone number
    IP is located in Newcastle

    Same address,same location , same phone number
    IP same location Newcastle
    Same postal address, same location Surrey Hills
    IP same location in Newcastle

    As you can see the same IP number on the ones that I have found out so far

  87. I have posted this same information on another blog , Just to let people know that they can trace an email to the exact location that it came from, eg server to server and back to the source computer from where it came from.

  88. I have had a response from

    to let me know that they have checked and have said that I will be paid for 1 of the accounts byt the 10.11.2010 , it will be very intresting to see if it happens at all

  89. Hi Texan,
    I bit interested to know how to trace an email to the exact origin ip.
    Can you please let me know? (hewa.home AT
    How can confirm that you will be paid from a 3rd party site, which they have provided service?
    The TP number you have show above is a fake one (it was mentioned before in this blog)

  90. Hi all, I am not a fake/liar, I am an aussie who saw the sites and thought wow christmas money, fantastic, so even though i have been paid for 1 out of the 6 sites that were over $50 on the 9th September I have no interest in scamming any 1.
    The biggest issue i have with the post from oz saffa is that clearly they havnt looked into the sites very well as there is a number of sites not mentioned that are connected with the same base company in America.
    Now the post by oz saffa made me think that maybe they are connected with the sites as there is no reason that any 1 should unsubscribe untill after they have the money they have earned. Why give the money to the company and get nothing even if it means we have to wait a little while. I understand to those who havnt been paid this sounds silly but I was paid by 1 site and now i have another over the $50 so i am waiting to see if i am paid for this. I also have another that needs 87c to be over the $50 so we will see.
    I know we have all been treated badly but if we are going to get the money even if we have to wait a little bit isnt that better than getting nothing at all?
    I am not stupid enough to prove to oz saffa with my paypal account or bank details so not interested in that scam oz saffa.
    As some 1 who has been paid by 1 i would say if you have your $50 and dont want to click on the links then dont but dont unsubscribe and give the money to the sites... you earned it.
    I stored the emails in a seperate folder and when i got paid that time i went to that folder and clicked and got my account balances back up to almost payment amounts. I havnt clicked on that sites links or mails any more as im not going for another round but im not giving them the money either.
    I dont understand what gives oz saffa the right to call me or any 1 else that was lucky enough to be paid by 1 of the sites a fake/lier when its clear they havnt looked into this very much. There is a number of sites connected with the base company that they didnt mention and as far as the people investigating these sites go .. its been 2 months, if they found any thing to warn us about wouldnt they have done it by now, tv or blogs or some thing.
    The advertising companys are still using them.
    I am an AUSSIE and as such I belive in a fair go, so im waiting to see.
    It would have been a huge shock to a new business when we all signed up with the $25 bonus and its not just aussies its in uk as well.
    As we can all tell the sites all started in time for us all to get our first payments on the 10 th Sept. thats a massive outlay.
    Like i said im up for waiting to see and not giving them the money and im not interested in any 1 calling me a fake for any reason, especially when its more like they are the fake trying to get people to unsubscribe and give the money to the sites and that to me would be an even bigger scam.

  91. by the way people you need to go further to check the ip's. These are not Australian sites. They are based in San Diego, and here is the ip address,
    There has been a router used to make it look like they are Australian for Australian users and the same for other countries

  92. I have closed my Cashemailsclub account where I was finally paid the $50 a few weeks ago. I have $44.89 in my Newoffersclub account. At 10 cents a day it will take 60 days or 2 months to bring it over $50. Once that is done I will not click any links and wait to be paid out. If/when that happens, that account will also be closed. I suggest everyone else does the same.

  93. Hi Guys,
    we have recently moved and have only just got the internet connect again, hehe I didn't realise how much we rely on modern technology there days...just to update I did received to payments from 2 of these sites in my payapal and had sucess transferring to my bank account...$106 dollars in for the other 4 or so sites nothing ever came...I believe these to be scams and like someone else mention they did pay a few people to keep the illusion of being genuine alive..I have since STOPPED clicking links as it seems a waste of time....still thankful though for the $100 odd dollars...such a shame though that there is so few of us that got paid....

  94. Well I really didn't expect to see any money from these sites, I was a member at all of them.

    Logged into PayPal today and found $51.59 from Cashemailsclub.

    Good to get some of the money, but when I gave up on these sites I had about $160 or so "earned".

    Gonna log into these sites again I guess, see what's going on... This was all too good to be true from the beginning anyway folks, but if you havent been paid and your accounts are still open... keep them that way!

    If you've got earned money you might as well leave the account open and wait for their slow payout.

  95. Also regardless of the fact that many people have not been paid, with probably none of those few on time, I don't know if I'd be calling this a scam.

    Paid-To-Click sites are traditionally VERY low paying, I'm more than happy considering the amount I have been paid from only one of these sites, especially when I can only put maybe an hour or so of ad clicks spread out accross a month.

    It's pretty close to free money and so far these were the highest paying sites I have seen. I'm guessing they quickly realised they couldn't pay what they had promised and theres no shortage of other "paid-to" sites that are in the same boat.

    At the end of the day, If you're online and trying to make some easy money from sites like these... you have to be willing to put up with poor payouts, slow payouts and sites that simply do not pay.

    Either that, or dedicate a LOT of time to building a gigantic downline on something like Neobux and earn a few hundred per week :P

  96. Now the emails are for $ 0.01 ,it will be a long time to get to the $50 mark, still have not recieved any replies at all

  97. Hi Wendy you are correct on location , when you checked it out, did you zoom in on the exact location, as there seems to be a University close by

  98. I noticed that too, texan. 1 cent each email and they don't send them every day either. The sooner that people stop supporting these types of sites, the sooner they will disappear.

  99. Still have not been paid anything at all, no replies any of the emails at all

  100. At 1 cent every few days, I have closed my 2nd account and will not bother with this garbage again. Anyone who clicks 1 cent a day links is very foolish.

  101. I had one reply about not getting paid, they asked to contact them via the web page as to date no replies, nothing at all.

    I agree with you Bobman84 it looks like I will be doing the same cmpletely with all the accounts as the people at the other dont give a damm .

  102. Surprise surprise after all these last couple months , from paypal notifying a payment was recieved from PaidSurveyBank now to see if I can get the payments from the others before I close the accounts are to close to the $50.00

  103. What about this site???

    Does anyone cash out any money? Please confirm.

  104. Hi,
    I am not a member of any of these sites; however I though that I would do some research for you. Under each site is a link to info about it.
    It seems to be a SCAM
    SCAM SITE (They pay you in their OWN home made currency that cannot be converted to cash).
    MAY NOT be a scam BUT it will take you a VERY long time to reach your $100 pay out mark.

  105. Just did a check on the others and found that they were all set back to $0.00 even the Approved amount so looks like the scam was on all the accounts, all being linked to , when there was over the $50 in that part but close to the $50 mark in the others , makes me wonder that the money from the other accounts is their insurance to cover being made to pay up on one account any how I know I won't be paid from the others I have closed all the accounts

  106. just had all my accounts reset to zero, all of them below $50. sent them an email but i dunno if i'll get a reply. copied all the advertisers into a text document just in case

  107. well the balance is back to what it was. hopefully in another couple of years i might get that magical $50

  108. here is something that does work but us only but others can use fake details link:

    it very easy and you win cash!

  109. I have been in most of these sites for a couple of years and after clicking on to Emails they send get a mere amount of 1 cent per Email.
    Now I am nearly up to the $50 all of a sudden it says when I click onto them :The survey has ended" even though it has just come through.
    This is happening to all these shonky sites
    I am so annoyed with myself that I joined them and wasted my time, when I am earning real money from a number of other reputable sites.
    I am about to cancel all the bad ones. I wish we could shut them down.
