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Friday, May 14, 2010

Odd jobs at uni

Universities are wonderful places to grow up, discover who you are and where you want to go in life, and while you are at it, earn a living doing many weird and wonderful things. There are a surprising number of seasonal and on going casual jobs available to students and most unis have their own student job centre. Waiting tables at Uni function centres is common, lugging for bands, cleaning, dishwashing, bar work. Think about the skills you have and go have a look at the job boards. Join clubs and societies you are itnerested and learn saleable skills that way too. The better known you are to university staff the more chance of work coming your way.

My odd jobs included:

Manning a polling booth for Union elections About $15 an hour 20 odd years ago

Putting up theatre posters $50 for a couple of hours wrok

Submitting articles and photos for the student magazines- I used to earn $5-10 a submission

Photographing drama club productions-varying amounts. More fun and experience than anything else.

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